The latest features in Android programming allow us to create either native Android application or web Android apps.
What are differences between Android web and native applications?
We'll try to explain the main differences between Android native and web applications.
What is Android Web Application?
Basically, a web application is a web site optimized for use on a mobile devices. The website can contain anything, simple web presentation as well as any application that requires code programming.
The common web application characteristics are that its user interface is created following web standard technologies, it could be accessed via URL and it is optimized for using on mobile devices. Consider that web app is hosted on a web server, not installed on a mobile phone and it is not available on Android Market.
What is Android Native Application?
Contrary to an web app, an native Android application is installed on the device and it is allowed to access the phone's devices, such as camera, accelerometer or any other hardware. An Android native app is available on Android Market.
Pros and Cons for Android native and web apps
Depending on requirement different aproach should be used for developing Android applications. Some applications work better using web technologies but in some other scenarios native applications are better choice. If you are familliar with advantages and dissadvantages of these approaches you will make a better decision what to use.
Advantages of native app:
- An application is available on Android market
- You can access all hardware devices on a phone
Disadvantages of native app:
- In order to become an Android developer you need to pay
- Developed application can run only on Android phones
- Java is the only language for developing applications (there are some tries to implement .NET technologies into the development)
Advantages of web app:
- Developers can use their existing design and programming skills
- Application can run in any web browser
- Bugs and issues can be fixed in real time
Disadvantages of web app:
- Hardware cannot be accessed
- Independent payment system needs to be implemented for payment
- Some advanced Android UI effects cannot be achieved using web technologies
Which Approach Is Right for You?
It is the best to consider all requirements you have for particular application and all pros and cons we mentioned above to choose right approach for you. In many situations clients make the final decision so it could be very important to present them all advantages and dissadvantages of Android web and native applications.
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