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"Your Gmail address has been created" Email Explained

"Your Gmail address,, has been created" email

If you have Gmail account you could receive an email with the following content (or similar):

Your Gmail address,, has been created

Congratulations on creating your brand new Gmail address,
Please keep this email for your records, as it contains animportant verification code that you may need should you everencounter problems or forget your password.

You can login to your account at


Twitter - Someone Is Saying Bad Things About You

Twitter virus strikes again!

We've recently written that Twitter reseted password for our FeminaPortal Twiter account. is a female internet portal and forums dedicated to girls, women and ladies.

The Twitter password resetting email has came to our inbox this morning, too. So we've decieded to take a little research who actually is trying to hijack the account.

Twitter has reset your account password

A couple days ago we received an email from Twitter, informing us that someone had tried to reset password on our twitter account.

The email was:



Twitter believes that your account may have been compromised by a website or service not associated with Twitter. We've reset your password to prevent others from accessing your account.

Cybersquatting Explained

What is cybersquatting?

Cybersquatting means registering someone else's personal or business name as your domain name. So, why would someone register other's business or personal name? The answer is very simple - money! There were many cases that names of some companies were bought and later offered to these companies for a profit.