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You are free to register any domain name that is free but we advice to avoid the next two categories:

- Names that the patent and trademark office in your country will refuse to register as trademarks
- Names that will be in legal conflict with existing trademarks.


Names You Can't Register As Trademarks

If you want to protect your choice of domain name as a trademark, you'll want to register it with the Patent and Trademark Office in your country.

In most countries the patent and trademark office will not register any of the following:

- Names that contain immoral, deceptive or scandalous matter
- Names that disparage or falsely suggest a connection with persons (living or dead), institutions, beliefs or national symbols
- Names identifying a particular living individual (unless his or her consent is obtained)
- Names that have been taken by an organization that has been granted the exclusive right by statute to use the name
- Names that are misleading or just plain false
- Names that are primarily a geographic name or a surname, unless they have acquired a "secondary meaning"

Names That Will Conflict With Existing Trademarks

You should be aware of possible legal issues durign domain name buying. It is very easy to oversee that the domain name is someone's trademark.

You should avoid the following domain names:

- Close to an existing domain name that is both distinctive and used on a competing website.
- The same as or very similar to a famous commercial name used online or off. Truly famous names get special protection even if use by someone else wouldn't confuse customers. Under laws known as "dilution" statutes, courts can stop any use of a famous name that is intended to trade off the strength of the name, or that has the effect of tarnishing the trademark's reputation for quality.
- The same as or confusingly similar to the name of a famous living person.

In addition, if all of the following four statements are true, you run at least some risk that you'll end up on the wrong end of a dispute over your domain name:

- Another business is already using your proposed domain name as its trademark.
- The other business's mark is distinctive, even if marginally.
- The other business started using the mark in actual commerce before you started using your proposed domain name, and
- Either the proposed domain name itself, or the products or services to be sold on your website, would create a likelihood of customer confusion.
