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Twitter virus strikes again!

We've recently written that Twitter reseted password for our FeminaPortal Twiter account. is a female internet portal and forums dedicated to girls, women and ladies.

The Twitter password resetting email has came to our inbox this morning, too. So we've decieded to take a little research who actually is trying to hijack the account.

After logging to Twitter we noticed that there are a lot of messages from either our followers or persons and company following us.


Most of the messages were:

Someone is saying nasty things about you... %link%

Someone’s saying bad things about you... %link%

Someone is saying something terrible about you... %link%

Hi somebody is making very bad things about you... %link%

Hello some person is posting nasty rumors about you... %link%

Hi somebody is making horrible rumors about you... %link%

Hey someone is posting very bad things about you... %link%

This is a classic phishing scam!

Note: Do not click on the link provided in the message! Otherwise it could happen that your computer get infected with a virus that will use your Twitter account to send out these or simillar message and ruin your reputation among yuor followers. Just delete the messages, and you also could change the password, for any case, and performe a full virus scan either.

Here are some advices to protect your account:

  • Do not click on every link you get in the message
  • if you are not sure whether someone really sent the message, contact him/her in order to verify
  • If you get infected, login into the affected site and change your password as soon as possible
  • Make your password stronger using combination of lower and uppercase letters, numbers and signs characters
