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Question2Answer - Text Editor Problem

Some users reported an issue with text editor displaying the page itself instead of text area in Question2Answer CMS. The problem appears in Chrome internet browser only.

Question2Answer script use CKEdit as WYSIWYG text editor so we researched and discovered that the problem was caused with Chrome plugins.

If you are also owner of a site running Question2Answer script here is how to resolve the issue:

1) Go to Settings > Tools > Extensions

2) Find the MeasureIt extension and uncheck the "Enabled" checkbox

Question2Answer - Insert Adsense Code

Question2Answer script doesn't have theme system consisted of HTML files, but all HTML outputs are performed though PHP code. For beginners it is not quite easy to understand how to make even a simple changes, so we're going to explain how to insert custom HTML code (e.g. Adsense).


Question2Answer theme logic explanation

Question2Answer script doesn't have a "common" template system made of HTML files, but rather outputs HTML code directly via PHP functions.

Question2Answer - How to Create Theme

Question2Answer is a PHP script namenjena dedicated to websites with questions and answers.

Q2A script doesn't have theme/template consisted of HTML file, but rather all outputs are performed though PHP code and functions. However, it is very easy to create your own theme and we'll describe how to do it.


Structure of a Question2Answer theme

Every theme has its own folder in directory /qa-theme. The theme folder consists of:

- qa-styles.css - a file with CSS styles

- images

Question2Answer Tips and Tricks

Inforbiro is an Information Technology and Marketing Agency with its own Internet marketing network BlicKlik. We have a lot of experience in software development as well as in Internet marketing and advertising. We constantly try not only to develop great web sites, mobile, desktop or facebook applications but also to share our knowledge.


Therefore, below is a collection of Question2Answer Tips and Tricks articles written on our company blog that could be useful to all of you.

Silverstripe Cache Problem

Our readers reported a problem they experienced during SilverStripe CMS installation related to SilverStripe cache.

They had problems trying to install SilverStripe on a shared host servrer where it was complaining that it did not have permission to write to the temporary folder "/tmp/silverstripe-cache" as part of the "Is the temporary directory writeable?" test.

Full error message is:

No write access to /tmp/silverstripe-cache