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Entity Framework - Get DateTime From Server

We've worked on a desktop client application using entity framework, where some records should be saved in the database but the time needed to be consistent. In other words, all operators working at the same time on the application on different machines need to have the same time when edit records.

Below is code that could be used for getting datetime from database server in entity framework:

Android - Fundamental Concepts

Befor any developer starts to work with a application framework there are some key concepts that should be learned.

In order to work with Android you need to understand view, activity, fragments, intents, content providers, services as well as Android manifest file.

SQL - Update Table From Another Table

There are many situations when it is needed to update one table from another table with SQL. We're providing the way we use all the time and it is also clear for understanding even for SQL beginners.

Here is the SQL code for updating one table from another table, just replace table and column names:

Syntax Highlighter Scrollbars Problem

Syntax Highlighter is a fully functional self-contained code syntax highlighter in JavaScript developed by Alex Gorbatchev (
In our previous articles we described how to integrate Syntax Highlighter into SilverStripe CMS and how to remove green icon in Syntax Highligher.
However, many users reported that some browsers (Chromium, Firefox...) have problems with displaying scrollbars in Syntax Highligher.

SQL Server - How to Return Bool From Stored Procedure

As developers, we often work with SQL Server stored procedures. The SQL Server stored procedures can have many purposes.

One of them is to perform some logical operations and to return true or false value. The problem is that there is no boolean datatype so the only way is that stored procedure returns bit datatype.

Here is an example of stored procedure that will return bit value that could be used instead of boolean: