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C# - First Word to Upper Case

Here is another useful C# snippet for uppercasing first word in a string.

Wordpress - Redirect User After Login

Working with Wordpress, you might want to redirect users after they login to some specific location. Here is function that could help you to achieve this behaviour.

SQL - Difference Between Insert With Into and Without Into

We're going to explain here what is the difference between insert statement with into and without into.

Let's say that you need to created temporary table #StudentsList that will keep Ids from table Students; it will have only Id column.

Mysqldump and UTF-8 Problem

About mysqldump

mysqldump is a command line utility for exporting database table definitions and data from MySQL. Usualy, it is distributed together with the standard MySQL software.

Here is a simple backup procedure that could be run from the command line:

Mysqldump Explained With Basic Examples

What is mysqldump

mysqldump is a command line utility for exporting database table definitions and data from MySQL. Usualy, it is distributed together with the standard MySQL software.