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Ubuntu 12.04 - "Hot Corner" Stop Working

We wrote how to show desktop in Ubuntu 12.04 by enabling "hot corner" feature.

In some cases this setting will not take effect after a computer is restarted. It seems that unityshell plugin is rewritting the expo plugin configuratin so this could cause the issue.

You could work around the issue by setting expo plugin to be loaded after unityshell:

1) Start gconf-editor

2) Find /apps/compiz-1/general/screen0/options/active_plugins key

Speed Up Ubuntu 12.04 With Low Memory By Changing Swappiness

If you're running Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin on a machine with low memory you could experience issue with Ubuntu performance. It could become sluggish and slow. In this case Ubuntu accesses the hard disk often and it will impact the performance very much.

Swap partition is a separate partition on hard disk dedicated for virtual memory. The machine could slow down a lot if RAM memory recources are low.

Linux Swappiness Explained

What is swappiness

Swappiness is a property for the Linux kernel that changes the balance between swapping out runtime memory, as opposed to dropping pages from the system page cache.

Swappiness can be set to values between 0 and 100 inclusive. A low value means the kernel will try to avoid swapping as much as possible where a higher value instead will make the kernel aggressively try to use swap space.

What's Coming In Ubuntu 12.10

The final release of Ubuntu distribution version 12.10 is expected on 18 October 2012, with support through April 2014.

The Ubuntu Development Summit for 12.10 started on 7 May and ended 11 May, 2012, where more of the features for 12.10 were decided upon.

So, here is what's new in Ubuntu 12.10.

Mysqldump and UTF-8 Problem

About mysqldump

mysqldump is a command line utility for exporting database table definitions and data from MySQL. Usualy, it is distributed together with the standard MySQL software.

Here is a simple backup procedure that could be run from the command line: