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Connect to a VNC Server With SSH

Here is tutorial how to connect to a VNC server behind a firewall that only allows SSH traffic. You can tunnel the VNC traffic through an SSH connection with SSH access to the VNC server.

Connect to the VNC server with SSH and forward the local client's 5904 TCP port to the port 5901 of the VNC server, e.g.:

$ ssh -L 5904:*:5901

Open new window and direct vncview to your localhost and port 5904 so the traffic will be forwarded to your VNC server's port 5901:

$ vncview localhost:5904

Ubuntu 12.04 - How to Enable Ctrl+Alt+Backspace

Starting from release 11.10, Control Alt Backspace key combination in Ubuntu doesn't work by default; it's disabled. That means you cannot kill or restart X server with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace if something goes wrong with the user interface (e.g. screen freezes from some reason).

Luckily, you can turn it on again following the steps below:

1) Go to System settings (gear icon in the top right corner) > System Settings...

2) Click Keyboard Layout icon

3) Click the Options button in the bottom right corner

Ubuntu 12.04 - How to Change Unity Launcher Icon Size

Many of our blog visitors complained about unity launcher icon size in Ubuntu 12.04 and asked how to change it.

The configuration steps are different for Unity 3D and Unity 2D so we provide instructions for both of them.

Notepad++ - Replace With New Line

Recently, I've needed to format a javascript file saved from the web which all code were in one single line.

The solution was to find all ";" characters and replace them with "; new line". Luckily, I had installed Notepad++ text editor on the computer.

Here are instructions how to replace characters with new line using Notepad++ text editor.

Ubuntu 12.04 - "Hot Corner" Stop Working

We wrote how to show desktop in Ubuntu 12.04 by enabling "hot corner" feature.

In some cases this setting will not take effect after a computer is restarted. It seems that unityshell plugin is rewritting the expo plugin configuratin so this could cause the issue.

You could work around the issue by setting expo plugin to be loaded after unityshell:

1) Start gconf-editor

2) Find /apps/compiz-1/general/screen0/options/active_plugins key