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How to Change Bing Crawl Rate

Microsoft Bing search engine configures crawl reates and frequency determined by your server's load.

In some cases the website could be overhelmed by too many requests in short period of time and you need to reduce the crawl rate. Great number of requests too quickly could make your site slow.

If you do not have issues with server load or your site's bandwidth we recommend that Bing choose the optimal crawl rate.

How to Change Google Crawl Rate

Google has advanced algorithms for choosing when to crawl a website. The Google search engine tries to crawl pages from a site without impact on the site's performance.

In some cases Google can affect your site crawling too meny pages in a very short period of time. In that cases you would like to tell Google to reduce crawl process because too many requests could overhelm your site, especially if you have busy site or it is hosted on shared host.

Entity Framework - Get DateTime From Server

We've worked on a desktop client application using entity framework, where some records should be saved in the database but the time needed to be consistent. In other words, all operators working at the same time on the application on different machines need to have the same time when edit records.

Below is code that could be used for getting datetime from database server in entity framework:

Android - Fundamental Concepts

Befor any developer starts to work with a application framework there are some key concepts that should be learned.

In order to work with Android you need to understand view, activity, fragments, intents, content providers, services as well as Android manifest file.

Twitter - Someone Is Saying Bad Things About You

Twitter virus strikes again!

We've recently written that Twitter reseted password for our FeminaPortal Twiter account. is a female internet portal and forums dedicated to girls, women and ladies.

The Twitter password resetting email has came to our inbox this morning, too. So we've decieded to take a little research who actually is trying to hijack the account.