jQuery - Password / Confirm Password Validation
Registration process on web sites requires entering password and password confirmation fields.
Here is an example how to validate password and confirm password fields with jQuery.
Registration process on web sites requires entering password and password confirmation fields.
Here is an example how to validate password and confirm password fields with jQuery.
We provide a list with deprecated jQuery functions. Please consider that this functions are not necessarily removed from this Javascript library.
You can find many examples on Internet where you can see that focusout and blur events are used as synonyms and you can be confused with their usage.
The difference between .focusout() and blur() jQuery event is that the .focusout() is sent to an element when it, or any element inside of it, loses focus. The .blur() event supports detecting the loss of focus from parent elements (i.e., it supports event bubbling)
There are many situations when you need to validate entered data in HTML forms with jQuery.
We created several examples that are most used among web developers so please find it below. If you have any other suggestion that we could write about please contact us as let us know.
VLC media player is advanced multimedia software capable for reproduction of almost all media files.
Sometimes notification popups could be very anoyed takeing away your attention so here are steps how to turn it off.
1) Go to Tools > Preferences
2) Under section "Show settings", on the left lower corner, select "All" radio button
3) Go to Interface > Main interfaces > Qt
4) Uncheck "Show notification popup on track change"
5) Click "Save"